Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Easter

We spent Easter day a little differently than we have in the past.
After our special Resurrection Sunday Service, Craig headed to
the Everglades to camp and fish with our pastor (and the gators).
Above is a jewfish he caught. I went to Key Largo to spend a day
with our pastor's family. It was a fun getaway! Though I did miss
watching all my cousins hunting for eggs.
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J Short said...

That's one of the grossest weirdest fish I've ever seen (no offense). sorry, i just stumbled on your blog by hitting next blog and saw this picture. It remind me alot of when I was younger and my brother and I would go with my dad to the lake to fish for bass, which I thought those looked really weird at first too but I guess I got use to them. Happy fishing and Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

That is a huge fish! It is almost bigger than Abigail. Abigail is much cuter though, I must say!