Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Catch Up

I figured it was about time to bring you up to date on our lives. Abigail is now just over a month old and is learning and growing every day. She has recently started smiling back at us on a consistent basis, which makes us smile at her all the more. My mom was here for a week after the birth, we had a week on our own, then Craig's mom came and spent a week as well. The help was a blessing. We just got back from a week in the Ville. Craig graduated from Seminary and we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family. This is a very busy time of year at church, so Craig has jumped back in, full speed ahead! This weekend is the second weekend of our Living Nativity and also our Christmas Night of Praise. Pray with us that is doesn't rain. I am working on getting back into the swing of things myself. Since Abigail was born I've done no cooking and very little cleaning....but that's about to change...which I'm honestly grateful for. Sitting around all day gets pretty boring. I'm also working on getting Abigail settled into a more consistent routine - which includes sleeping on her own (without someone holding her). We'll likely be hearing a lot a crying the next few days as we work on this. I'll post pictures very soon!

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