Saturday, June 16, 2007

Florida Weather and a Quarrelsome Wife

We've had quite a bit of rain here recently. The sun can't seem to decide if it wants to stay out for more than ten minutes. We had a treat a few minutes ago, though, as I happened to look out our back window and see this rainbow. All of these pictures are taken from our roof; we can walk right out onto it from our back porch.

The palm tree is growing right beside our house--Tim, you and Austin can climb it when you all come down!

That's Danielle down there, looking cute and pregnent as always. We go for our ultrasound in a couple of weeks--we can't wait!

And finally, there's Craig on the roof of the house. As Scripture says, "Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife." (Proverbs 21:9) (Just kidding! It's great living with her!)

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Anonymous said...

Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. Pr.31:10 She looks like a shiny ruby to us (well, maybe an emerald??). Can't believe the difference only a few weeks make. Love you guys, R&D

Anonymous said...

Send some of that rain our way! The drought is killing everything in TN. Or, even better, send us there! You all have a beautiful looking area. This is the first I've seen anything of it.

And Craig is a mub.

The Shuffs said...
