Family visits have been coming frequently and we LOVE it! Mom and Sharon were in town this weekend. They spoiled us all. We spent time on the beach, at the park, the mall, Flamingo Gardens. Abigail loved having attention all the time and learned lots of new words...I think "chips" is her favorite.
My mom and a family friend were in town this weekend. They sent Craig and I away for a night on the town. We had dinner practically on the beach and breakfast overlooking the ocean and inter-coastal waterway. It was lovely.
We found a botanical garden near our home . It's a nice little escape from concrete. There's some pics below. Abigail's vocabulary has taken major jump. Just yesterday, she said FOUR new words.... bubble, onion, dinner & home.
A week ago my sister and niece got to come visit for a few days! We are excited that we have had and will have lots of family visits over the first half of the year. Abigail still keeps pointing to pictures of her Bri & AA.